- Tehran Tour Book Now
Tehran is one of the largest metropolitans of the world, and it is the country’s largest economic center and the base for its large and small modern technological and industrial establishments. Located on the slopes of the mountains and at the foot of the magnificent Mount Damavand.
It is a four-season city with hot and dry summers, cold and snowy winters, and very pleasant springs and autumns.
Tehran is Iran’s most secular and liberal city; it is home to many historic mosques, churches, synagogues and Zoroastrian fire temples. Tehran is where the past and present collide. A dynamic, loud, chaotic and cutting edge city and also home to museums overflowing with ancient treasures, magnificent palaces, inspiring yet imposing mosques.
Tehran is connected to a subway system, an express bus system, and mobile taxis and so, by the use of such various means of transport, it is possible to visit all of the attractions of the city with ease and comfort. - Can you recommend other things to do in Tehran?
Tehran Palaces & Museums Complex
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