Related Attractions
Zoroastrian fire temple
Amir Chakhmaq Sq
Silence tower
Water museum
Chak Chak
Alexander prison

Jame mosque is located adjacent to the center of the town of Yazd and is the most beautiful mosque in Teymorid dynasty .This building was founded during 10th century by Alaaldolle Kalanjar and was completed during three different eras. These multiple historical layers are most evident in the courtyard: to the east are the ruins of an early, pre-Saljuk mosque; to the south are fourteenth-century structures, and to the west are late eighteenth and nineteenth-century additions.
It is marvelous that its minaret is known as the tallest one among historical mosques within 52 meters height. The grand iwan of the mosque is crowned by a pair of minarets, the highest in Iran, and the portal’s facade is decorated from top to bottom in dazzling tile work, predominantly blue in colour.
This place is located at Yazd city.
Entrance Fee : 150,000 IRR per person
Opening time: 08:30 am-05:00 pm
Category: Mosque/Historical site
Attention: Follow modest dress code and women must cover their hair.
Saat Tower
Alexander prison
Zoroastrian fire temple
Silence Tower
Amir Chakhmaq Sq.
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